Goodness: the apparition of (or facilitation of) the necessary conditions to advance from your position on the virtue dimension to a better position/state (in quality and/or quantity). Goodness is always considered in respect to all Life. We consider the goodness applied to ourselves only because of the lack of required information about the others and all other Life outside of us.
Legitimacy: right to execute governance derived from Faith (clarity of implication, representation), Prudence (optimization), and Justice
Duty: will and actions derived from Charity and Prudence that enable the existence of cardinal and supreme virtues. Pure Duty is not a necessity.
Freedom: the outcome of a virtuecracy. A virtuecracy is built on the efforts of Duty.
Tolerance: the virtuous side of Tolerance pertains to Temperance and Prudence and the recognition of the fact that maximal optimization for eternity has not been achieved and anything that does not gravely impede virtues may be helpful to discover upgrades.
Common Sense: increases the fitting of the community in the environment, it is part of Fortitude
Lack of Temperance
Fairness: when you are party in the situation
Justice: when you judge a situation
Wisdom: when you discover the eternal mechanisms of a situation
Fidelity: Loyalty to your agreements, Trustworthiness
Respect for social norms and rituals: Li (禮, Proper Ritual or Etiquette): This virtue refers to a set of rituals, customs, and standards of politeness that govern proper behavior and maintain social order. It’s about showing respect through appropriate conduct. Common sense: Fitness/Fortitude
Curiosity: the virtuous part of curiosity is Wonder
Wonder: θαυμάζω (thaumazó: to marvel, wonder) part of Faith, Reason. It is the vitality of mentaly exploring and linking concepts.
Creativity: sharing Wonder
Wonder, Hope
Sexual Fitness, Fortitude
Nous, Faith/Reason (energy of intellect)
Logic Fallacy
Lack of Governance (vicious propaganda, misused cleverness)
Justice (across roles)
Prudence (across time while across roles)
Hospitality: Xenia ξενία, Charity
Fortitude: Rigurosity with application to the body