On Virtues

A description proposed for consensus.


Goodness, Sacrifice, Courage, Civilization


Goodness (Agathós αγαθός)

The apparition of the necessary conditions to advance from your position on the virtue dimension to a better position/state (in quality and/or quantity)

Goodness is always considered with respect to all Life. We consider the goodness applied to ourselves only because of the lack of required information about others and all other Life outside of us.

Sacrifice, Courage (Arete)

The investment of one virtue in order to obtain more of that virtue or a higher virtue.

The one that makes uncommonly great sacrifices is called a hero.

Common sacrifices


The totality of types of sacrifice that are encouraged in a society.

The most accepted and appreciated type gives the level of a civilization. For the capitalist societies: entrepreneurship. The variety: the breadth of the civilization. The lack of acceptance of some types: the failures and the lack of civilization.