On Virtues

A description proposed for consensus.


The Relations between Principles and Virtues

Ethical and Moral Principles

  1. The Golden Rule (Positive): Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
    1. Temperance
    2. Justice
    3. Prudence
  2. The Golden Rule (Negative): Do not do onto others what you would not like done to yourself.
    1. Temperance
    2. Justice
  3. The Principle of Utility (Utilitarianism): Act in a way that maximizes overall happiness and reduces suffering.
    1. Justice
    2. Measurability
  4. Kantian Ethics (Duty-Based Ethics): Act according to maxims that can be universally applied and respect individuals as ends in themselves.
    1. Prudence
    2. Justice
    3. Charity
  5. The Social Contract Theory: Moral and political obligations are dependent upon a contract to form a society.
    1. Measurability
    2. Faith
    3. Hope
  6. Virtue Ethics: Focus on the development of moral character and virtues as the basis for ethical living.
    1. All Virtues
  7. Divine Command Theory: Ethical standards are based on religious beliefs or decrees.
    1. Faith
    2. Charity
    3. Hope
  8. Natural Law Theory: Moral standards are derived from human nature and the natural order.
    1. Survival
    2. Abundance
    3. Measurability
  9. The Principle of Rights: Respect and protect the rights of individuals. (This is incomplete. The duties have to be also stated with at least the same clarity and all inconsistencies resolved to the advantage of duties, while a duty-based theory is complete by itself)
    1. Abundance
    2. Justice
    3. Temperance
  10. The Principle of Justice (Fairness): Treat people fairly and ensure justice is upheld.
    1. Justice
    2. Temperance
  11. The Veil of Ignorance (Rawlsian Theory): Designing a just society by considering decisions from an original position of equality.
    1. Justice
    2. Hope
  12. The Care Ethic (Ethic of Care): Emphasize the importance of relationships and empathy in moral reasoning.
    1. Charity
    2. Hope
  13. Consequentialism: Judge actions by their outcomes or consequences.
    1. Measurability
    2. Prudence
  14. Deontological Ethics: Focus on the adherence to rules or duties.
    1. Justice
    2. Temperance
  15. The Principle of Non-Maleficence: Avoid causing harm to others. (Same as negative Golden Rule)
    1. Temperance
    2. Justice
  16. The Principle of Beneficence: Actively do good for others. (Same as positive Golden Rule)
    1. Temperance
    2. Justice
    3. Prudence
  17. The Principle of Autonomy: Respect the autonomy and freedom of choice of individuals.
    1. Temperance
    2. Prudence
  18. The Principle of Fidelity: Be faithful and keep promises and commitments.
    1. Temperance
    2. Charity
    3. Faith
  19. The Principle of Veracity: Tell the truth and avoid deceiving others.
    1. Faith
    2. Justice
    3. Temperance
  20. The Principle of Confidentiality: Respect privacy and confidentiality.
    1. Temperance
    2. Charity
  21. The Principle of Respect for Persons: Treat individuals with dignity and respect.
    1. Temperance
    2. Charity
  22. The Principle of Paternalism: Intervene in the freedom of others for their own good under specific circumstances. (This is not a complete principle: It needs to specify the intelligence threshold for graduating from each limitation)
    1. Charity
    2. Justice
  23. The Principle of Environmental Ethics: Consider the moral relationship between humans and the natural world.
    1. Charity
    2. Hope
    3. Justice
  24. The Principle of Distributive Justice: Ensure fair distribution of benefits and burdens in society.
    1. Justice
    2. Measurability
  25. The Principle of Transparency: Ensure access to provable data and information. (This is incomplete: it needs Searchability)
    1. Measurability
  26. The Principle of Equality of Oportunity: This is the same as equality of Searchability: Ensure equal access to the pertinent information.
    1. Measurability
    2. Justice
    3. Charity