- the virtue of virtues
- the virtue of helping a higher virtue win against a lower one
- courage
- subtypes:
- andreia, fortitudo, a type of Fortitude
- whistleblowing, a type of Hope
- discovering a new hierarchy of virtues
- the contest is between 2 different virtues. not between quantities of the same virtue
- Arete is a composed virtue with 3 different places in the hierarchy of virtues
Andreia, Fides, Fortitude
Courage, and Perseverence, Patience with respect to courage.
Endagering the natural virtues of:
- Survival/Health
- Abundance
- Measurability
- Fortitude
in the service (or gain) of a higher virtue (than the one in contest)
Whistleblowing, Virtus, Hope
Endagering the cardinal virtues of:
- Fortitude
- Temperance
- Justice
- Prudence
- Hope
in the service of a higher virtue (than the one in contest)
Redefining Virtues, Order
Endagering the supreme virtues of:
- Hope
- Charity
- Faith, Reason
in the service of a higher virtue (than the one in contest)