Abundance, Wealth, Energy, Vital Energy, Productivity
- subtypes:
- abundance of individual items
- capital
- abundance of classes, species, or types
- complexity
- data collectability
- data traceability
- attributes:
- sustainable
- flexible
- robust
- symbiotic
Sustainable Abundance
- recycling
- economy
- ecosystem
- lack of vicious side-effects of abundance
- abundance of items is less important than abundance of types: see the monoculture side-effects
- wars
- most of the bad effects of Capitalism:
- unfair distribution of earnings
- vicious laws lobbied by Capital interests
- unfair trade regulations
- cronyism
- Major
- Survival: without survival, there can be no Abundance
- Measurability, Competition: is the effect of Abundance and the limitation of resources
- Temperance: if we have an Abundance of resources or vital energy, Temperance will guide them towards Charity and Prudence